The 1972 Clean Water Act, enacted by Congress, established a policy to protect and improve the waters of the United States. In 1987, Congress amended the Clean Water Act to require implementation of a program to address storm water discharges. Rules were promulgated by EPA to establish a phased approach to implementation of the program which went into effect in 1992. Phase I required NPDES permits for a number of categories of storm water discharges including industrial activities, construction-related disturbances greater than 5 acres, and large and medium size municipal separate storm sewer (MS4) operators.
Phase II of the program requires NPDES permits for construction disturbances of one acre or greater and small MS4 operators located in an Urbanized Area. Urbanized Areas are established by the US Census Bureau as:
"An urbanized area is a land area comprising one or more places- central place(s) - and the adjacent densely settled surrounding area- urban fringe - that together have a residential population of at least 50,000 and an overall population density of at least 1,000 persons per square mile."
Those portions of a municipality located in an urbanized areas are automatically designated and must comply with the Phase II requirements. In addition, the EPA and/or a delegated authority can identify special areas which are considered additionally designated areas, and which must also comply with the Phase II Storm water Regulations.
The authority to administer the Clean Water Act and the storm water regulations can be delegated to an individual State, as is the case in New York. In New York, administration of the program is the responsibility of the Department of Environmental Conservation. In implementing Phase II, the Department of Environmental Conservation has determined that the East of Hudson reservoir watershed, which includes all of Patterson, should be considered an additionally designated area and subject to the Phase II requirements.
As required by the NYS DEC, on March 10, 2003 the Town submitted an application to obtain coverage under the NYS DEC General Permit for MS4 operators. By submitting an application (termed an NOI) the Town is agreeing to develop, implement and enforce a storm water management program (SWMP) designed to reduce the discharge of pollutants to the maximum extent practicable. In addition, where storm water discharges are to a receiving waterbody for which a total maximum daily load has been developed for any particular pollutant, such as the East Branch Reservoir, the MS4 Operator must also seek to attain a reduction in any pollutant of concern.
The six minimum measures that the Town of Patterson must address in their storm water program are:
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