1142 ROUTE 311


JANUARY 9, 2008









Salute to the Flag and Roll Call.

Supervisor Griffin called the Patterson Town Board meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with 11 in attendance.


Mrs. Nacerino made a motion to approve the following bills chargeable to 2008:

General Fund $117,294.33, Highway Fund Item 1-General Repairs $6,611.00, Highway Fund Item 3-Machinery $8,099.00, Highway Fund Item 4-Miscellaneous $2,887.58, Highway Fund-Item 4-Snow $24,632.94, Patterson Light District $817.26, Patterson Park District $487.75, Alpine Water District $400.00, Dorset Hollow Water District $1,767.84, Fox Run Water District $600.00, Patterson Sewer Plant $5,443.78, Capital Fund $63,693.53, Trust and Agency $3,056.50. Total Abstract $235,791.51.

Seconded by Mr. O’Connor. Roll Call Vote: Mr. Capasso; yes, Mr. Kassay; yes, Mrs. Nacerino; yes, Mr. O’Connor; yes, Mr. Griffin; yes. Roll Call Vote Carried.



Mr. Kassay asked if any member of the Town Board has any comments or questions regarding the policy on managing bonds.

Mr. Griffin stated on Page 1, Section 2 states all performance bonds and letters of credit shall contain the following language: this is a note on the platter to plans.

Mr. Williams stated it is in the box.

Mr. Griffin continued the amount stated herein shall become due to the Town of Patterson in its sole judgment as a result of the failure of (project owner or project name) to complete to the satisfaction of the Planning Board. Now, the Town Board approves and releases the bond and this language seems to say the Planning Board has the authority to pull the bond. I know that is not what it means, my questions is does that language open anything up for debate from the other side of the table.

Mr. Williams stated it comes from the Town Code.

Mr. Griffin stated I wanted to discuss this with you. I don’t want to make a big deal out of this. I just want to make sure this is not an issue in terms of language.

Mr. Curtiss stated it wouldn’t necessarily be because what normally happens in the process is if the owner for whatever reasons doesn’t complete it; the Planning Board sends us the report.



Mr. Williams stated in essences that is all this is saying. The Planning Board has approval over whether the site improvements have been completed.

Mr. Griffin stated it says if they are not satisfied. He asked Mr. Curtiss as an attorney you wouldn’t read into this that the Planning Board would have any authority to pull a bond.

Mr. Curtiss stated no.

Mr. Griffin stated thank you that was my only question.



WHEREAS, various applications or projects reviewed and approved by the Planning Board, Zoning Board of Appeals or Town Board require the construction of improvements for the public benefit, and

WHEREAS, the Town of Patterson requires that performance guarantees be posted by the project sponsor with the Town to ensure the proper completion of said improvements; and

WHEREAS, the type of approvals which require a performance guarantee include, but are not limited to site plans, subdivisions, driveway installations, and snow removal, and

WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Patterson wishes to provide for the effective management of the performance guarantees held by the Town, and

WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Patterson finds that a written policy and procedures should be established to provide for the effective management of the performance guarantees held by the Town, and

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Patterson hereby adopts this administrative policy, attached hereto and dated January 9, 2008, for the management of bonds and other forms of surety used to guarantee the completion of improvements as heretofore mentioned, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Patterson directs all Town Departments, Officials, or agents acting on behalf of the Town to implement said policy in accordance with their duties and responsibilities.

Seconded by Mrs. Nacerino. All In Favor: Aye. Carried.


Mr. Kassay stated I have a “Press Release” and it reads; The Town of Patterson will have a Town wide Christmas tree pick up on Thursday, January 31, 2008 and Friday, February 1, 2008. Trees must be placed at curbside no later than Wednesday, January 30, 2008. Trees must be free of ornaments, tinsel and lights and they should not be bagged. For your convenience Christmas trees will be accepted at the Recycle Center during their normal business hours.

Mr. Kassay stated one thing I would like to add is if there is a snowstorm that will prohibit the sanitation department from picking up the trees; they will pick them up the following Thursday and Friday.



Mr. Kassay made a motion to authorize the Town Clerk to advertise this Press Release with the change that I made.

Seconded by Mr. O’Connor. All In Favor: Aye. Carried.


Mr. Kassay introduced the following Resolution for the Performance Bond Reduction for Telecom Site Plan:


WHEREAS, Laura Donelan, a.k.a. Telecom, Infrastructure Corporation own a parcel of land at 3204 Route 22 identified as Tax Map No. 4.10-1-8, and

WHEREAS, the Planning Board of Town of Patterson has received an Application for site plan approval from Laura Donelan, a.k.a. Telecom, Infrastructure Corporation in order to construct various improvements on the lot, as shown on a site plan entitled Telecom Site Plan prepared by Insite Engineering, Surveying & Landscape Architecture, P.C., dated December 21, 2004 and last revised on May 15, 2007; and

WHEREAS, a motion was made and carried by the Patterson Planning Board at its June 7, 2007 meeting recommending that the Town Board of the Town of Patterson find that the cost of a bond, sufficient to cover construction and completion of the site improvements proposed, is determined to be in the amount of $45,000.00, with an inspection fee of $2,250.00, and

WHEREAS, the Project Owner has completed one or more of the improvements, the value of which has been estimated by the Town Engineer, and

WHEREAS, a motion was made and carried by the Patterson Planning Board at its January 3, 2008 meeting recommending that the Town Board of the Town of Patterson reduce the construction performance surety held for the afore-mentioned project from $45,000 to $22,000, and

WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Patterson wishes to follow the recommendation made by the Patterson Planning Board;

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Patterson hereby directs that the performance bond or security posted for the Telecom Site Plan in the amount of $45,000.00 be reduced to $22,000.00, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the bond or security posted for the project be subject to prior approval by the Town Attorneys, Curtiss, Leibell, Herodes & Mole', P.C., as to sufficiency and form.



Mrs. Nacerino stated at the last Town Board meeting a discussion ensued regarding a pay increase for an employee at the Recreation Center. I stated that I was opposed to merit raises during the year. The Town of Patterson gives annual raises and that is how it should stay. To give an employee a raise at any other time, in my opinion, risks the

perception of favoritism and lowers moral. I strongly feel we need to be consistent in what we say and what we do. That being said, the only exception would be a change of title or at the end of a probationary period. I believe it would be beneficial for this Board to institute a policy to give a department head the option to review an employee’s



performance and make a recommendation to this Board for a small pay increase at the end of six months.

Mrs. Nacerino made a motion for any new hire to receive a performance review at the end of a six-month probation period, thereby giving the department head the option to make a recommendation to the Town Board for a small salary increase.

Mr. Kassay stated we would have to make sure the department head had money in their budget.

Mr. O’Connor stated we would still have to approve it.

Mr. Kassay stated besides that, before they even come to the Board to ask they would have to make sure they have money in their budget.

Mrs. Nacerino stated that could be ascertained by the Comptroller. It gives them the option to exercise the ability to do so if they deem fit.

Mr. O’Connor stated it is appropriate to evaluate an employee’s work after six months when ever that happens to fall.

Mr. Kassay stated at our Organizational Meeting we addressed certain categories of employees where we set the pay rate anywhere between $8.00 and $12.00 per hour. We will have to see if we have to rescind that.

Mr. Griffin stated what you are referring to is temporary secretarial help. One of the things that we are learning is how particular the County is relative to job titles and salary structures within those job titles. While we talk about temporary secretarial help, we may need to broaden the category some and change that in our Organizational Meeting because the County is very particular about titles. Keep in mind secretarial is a job title but there are hundreds of titles.

Mrs. Nacerino stated Kim Dulitz will be eligible for review on March 12, 2008, which will be the end of her six-month probation period.

Seconded by Mr. O’Connor. All In Favor: Aye. Carried.


Mrs. Nacerino made a motion to approve two vacation days for Cathy Fagan.

Seconded by Mr. Kassay. All In Favor: Aye. Carried.


Mrs. Nacerino stated Cathy Fagan sent me a letter regarding an email she received from Leigh Hill requesting a refund for the basketball program. She signed her son up for the program and was told by Mark Farrell that she would be able to receive a refund if the day the program was running did not fit into her schedule. Cathy Fagan is asking us to reimburse Leigh Hill $70.00 for the cost of the basketball program registration fee. While I have no objection to the $70.00 being refunded and we can never be sure what was conveyed between people. I think we need to be a little more stringent in how we register people and what the pay back policy is. It seems too many things are slipping through the cracks and we have to honor them after the fact. In the future, we should make an earnest effort to put forth some indication what the provisions are upon registration.

Mr. O’Connor stated many times on sign up sheets you will see a cancellation notice.



Mr. Griffin stated so what we are saying is we will state the refund policy on the application form.

Mrs. Nacerino stated yes.

Mrs. Nacerino made a motion to refund Mrs. Leigh Hill $70.00 for the basketball program registration fee.

Seconded by Mr. Kassay. All In Favor: Aye. Carried.


Mrs. Nacerino stated back in October I received a call from Mr. Jared Stern because he was violated for a site line easement on his property. He asked if I could help him and what recourse he had, if any. At that time, I went to a Planning Board meeting to seek input from the Planning Board. Before hand, Mr. David Raines, Code Enforcement Officer, had driven by and stated in his memo, “although in my opinion these plantings do not constitute a site line violation they are in a designated Planning Board site easement.” That being said there was numerous correspondence that went back and forth and an email from Anthony Molé did state, “accordingly the Town cannot grant a license for land that is not owned by the Town. The only recourse I can possibly see is to amend the sight distance easement, which could mean amending the subdivision. We are choosing not to enforce the violation of the site easement, which would not be a good precedent to set. Therefore, the only recourse I could think of to elevate the problem is an amendment of the site distant easement, which we could explore.”

Mrs. Nacerino stated I thought there was some closure on this situation because Dave Raines did issue a memo after we met at the Planning Board meeting and I will read it for the record:

Per your request with reference to Mr. Jared Stern’s site easement violation on September 11, 2007, Mr. Stern was issued a Notice of Violation for visual obstructions at an intersection. October 2, 2007, Mr. Stern was sent a letter with the advice of petitioning the Town Board and the Planning Board in order to seek relief from the Planning Board’s requirement to keep the site easement free and clear from this type of planting.

Since it is the determination of the Planning Board, Mr. Stern may chose to file an Article 78 with the Supreme Court in an attempt to reverse the Planning Board’s decision.

At this time, the Notice of Violation is in force and will remain in force until the trees are removed or a court decision is reached. Please be aware that as long as this violation is in force, it will prevent a clear municipal search of the Stern’s property in the event that the property becomes marketable. Dated November 30, 2007.

Mrs. Nacerino stated I thought we had some closure on this and that was what our basic conclusion was. However, Mrs. Stern issued an email to Mr. Griffin on December 31, 2007 and is not happy about how the Town is handling this situation. When I drove by and saw the trees it did not constitute an obstruction of view in my opinion or in the opinion of Mr. Dave Raines and Ms. Maria DeSalvo, but that doesn’t have much merit in the fact that the site easement is already in place.

Mrs. Stern states further (inaudible) in every corner in the development there are examples of trees and bushes that prevent far greater obstacles of safety to passersby and yet there is not demand for trees to be removed. In most cases these obstacles reside on corners, which are partial to traffic throughout the day, which one would think, would be more of a concern. The inconstancies of the



application seem unfair. Given the facts, it does not serve in the best interest of the people, which the rules and regulations in theory are supposed to be. Therefore, I am compelled to write my concerns to you as an elected official.

Mrs. Nacerino stated Mr. Molé is familiar with this situation. We have gone back and forth and I think that I needed to bring this to the Boards attention so we can discuss it. This is an important issue.

Mr. O’Connor stated there are two parts to something like this. The specific part is you cannot have trees within 27 feet of the corner. There is also performance because it would cause (inaudible). On those special cases where you go and look at it and determine that this tree, even though it might technically fall within, what would be the remedy when it doesn’t really violate the performance part of (inaudible).

Mr. Curtiss stated probably just move to amend the sight line easement to reflect what would actually obstruct the vision.

Mr. O’Connor stated in this case. In most cases, we determine that 75 feet would be required.

Mr. Kassay stated I have not seen the location yet, but I can see the magnitude of the problem. Before I say anything regarding this, I would like to go see the site for myself and get back to the Board at the next Town Board Meeting.

Mr. O’Connor stated I haven’t been there either. I’m just saying in general, if we go up there and find that it is not violating the site…….

Mr. Kassay stated do we know what height and girth these particular trees will have when they are full-grown.

Mr. Williams stated I believe two or three of the trees are White Pines. They tend to grow thirty to forty feet and spread on either side. They grow into very big trees but the real problem will be the internal growth twenty years from now. They are going to be twenty feet high, they are going to be spread quite wide, and at that point, the branches are going to be reaching out and obscuring the sight distance easement. There is also a crab apple.

Mrs. Nacerino stated they removed the crab apple.

Mr. Williams stated that was the least of all the problems.

Mrs. Nacerino stated there are three white pines yet they do sit back. She described the positions of the trees and stated she thinks it does not impair visibility.

Mr. Kassay stated it could in twenty years.

Mrs. Nacerino stated that is debatable.

Mr. Kassay stated if we did make an amendment to this section of law, we could stipulate that the branches would have to be ten feet off the ground.

Mrs. Nacerino stated we could make that a condition.

Mr. Kassay stated Mr. O’Connor, Mr. Capasso, and I would get together and go take a look at the site and asked Mrs. Nacerino if she would table this topic.

Mrs. Nacerino stated she would table this. Mr. and Mrs. Stern are in Florida at this time and I think they would like to be present at the next meeting and we can continue this discussion then.




Mrs. Nacerino introduced the following Resolution for the Release of the Snow Bond – Deerwood:


WHEREAS, Wyndham Homes, as developer of the Deerwood Subdivision, established a snow removal bond in the amount of $750.00 by check #14702 on November 19, 2003 to guarantee the prompt removal of snow and ice and completion of other winter maintenance requirements for the roads in the Deerwood Subdivision, and

WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Patterson has accepted dedication of the roads in the Deerwood Subdivision by resolution dated September 12, 2007, and

WHEREAS, with acceptance of the roads Wyndham Homes as developer is no longer obligated to provide winter maintenance of the Deerwood Subdivision roads,

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Patterson hereby directs that the snow removal bond or security posted for the Deerwood Subdivision in the amount of $750.00 be released to the Wyndham Homes, or their assigns or heirs.

Seconded by Mr. O’Connor. All In Favor: Aye. Carried.


Mrs. Nacerino stated I have a few requests from the Town Clerk, Antoinette Kopeck for the Easter Egg Hunt and Community Day.

Mrs. Nacerino made a motion to set Community Day on September 7, 2008 with a rain date of September 14, 2008 as stipulated.

Seconded by Mr. O’Connor. All In Favor: Aye. Carried.

Mrs. Nacerino stated she received a letter from Mrs. Kopeck, which reads:

As you are aware, Cindy Puglisi has vacated her position as Deputy Town Clerk. Since we are short staffed, the workload has increased significantly for Eileen Corbley.

At this time, I would respectfully like to request Eileen Corbley be permitted to accrue comp time during the months of January and February in order to keep up with the demands of both positions. This time will allow her to put in the extra time required to produce minutes in a timely fashion, and should not exceed 20 hours overall.

Please be advised, I will be appointing another Deputy Town Clerk and expect my department to be in full operation early in 2008.

Mrs. Nacerino made a motion to allow Eileen Corbley to accrue compensation time not to exceed twenty hours for two months.

Seconded by Mr. Kassay. All In Favor: Aye. Carried.

Mr. Griffin stated did we want to set a date for the Easter Egg Hunt.

Mrs. Kopeck stated it would be up to the Board to set the date.

Mrs. Nacerino made a motion to set the date at March 15, 2008 for the Easter Egg Hunt



with a snow date being March 22, 2008.

Mrs. Nacerino stated we can plan on it being at the Recreation Center for both dates but if weather is inclement and people don’t show up we can postpone it for the following the week.

Seconded by Mr. O’Connor. All In Favor: Aye. Carried.

Mrs. Nacerino made a motion to allow the Town Clerk, Antoinette Kopeck to purchase two file cabinets for a total of $1,816.24 with the money from last years budget.

Seconded by Mr. Kassay. All In Favor: Aye. Carried.



Mr. Griffin set the date for January 16, 2008 at 3:30 for the Annual Audit starting at the Justice Court. All Town Board members agreed on the date.


Mr. Curtiss stated this is an ongoing problem on the highway on Bullet Hole Road where the homeowner has a basement (inaudible). When he originally got the approval to build the house they had the springs piped to a stream behind the house. He only had a license and they revoked the license and now he is pumping it in his front yard and then it eventually drains out on the road and it becomes a sheet of ice. Mr. Charlie Williams, Highway Superindent, repaved the road and attempted to put a swale in there but it has not worked. I have asked Mr. Rich Williams, Town Planner to take a ride up there. We think there still is an existing sleeve under the (inaudible) and if that is the case, we might be able to run a pipe through the sleeve and dump it into the swale that already exists. We would have to get permission from the other homeowners that we hope will want to get the ice off the roadway and resolve it that way. We did start a lawsuit and we have the builder, homeowner, and the engineer involved. It is on hold for now but they have all agreed to contribute to the cost of repiping it if necessary.

Mr. Griffin stated how are we going about acquiring the easement, by doing eminent domain.

Mr. Curtiss stated we might not have to use eminent domain. If we have a sleeve under the driveway, what we can do is simply run the pipe under there the way it has been at that point.

Mr. Griffin stated don’t we have to cross the neighbors property.

Mr. Curtiss stated that is what we don’t know yet. We are going to go take a look.

Mr. Griffin stated everyone that looked at it felt that was the best solution to the problem.

Mr. Curtiss stated we will go take a look and get a technical idea of what we have to deal with and then put it on the next agenda.

Mr. Griffin stated Judge O’Rourke stated since the Town gave Mr. Hauser a building permit and now he has a water problem, it is technically the Towns’ problem. We are not getting a lot of help from the Judge on this one.

Mr. O’Connor stated we can always appeal.

Mr. Griffin stated we are up to about $40,000.00 on appeals to overturn his decision.



Mr. O’Connor stated I don’t think we ever lost one.

Mr. Griffin stated not to date.

Mr. Curtiss stated no we haven’t. We will give you a report at the next Town Board meeting.


Mr. Griffin stated the Sewer Plant is ahead of schedule and the job meeting is Tuesday, January 15, 2008. The Project Manager told me that she believes the Sewer Plant will be in a position to start excepting sewage on February 4, 2008. Also, we are about $500,000.00 under the allowance that was set in the original contract. There is a debate regarding the computer system that runs the Sewer Plant. Programming has become a debatable issue as to who will program the computer to set up the screens and the monitoring. The estimate is between $25,000.00 and $50,000.00 to program this system. It monitors every single operation of the Sewer Plant up to and including calling out for alarms. It is a rather involved process. Which brings us to the next issue, we have gotten a number of correspondence from Patterson Village, and I received a letter from Marilyn Chandley that reads:

I received my property tax bill for 2008, which includes the sewer assessment of $1,400.00 for the year. Patterson Village is not yet hooked up to the sewer district. Allegedly, it will be hooked up in February. Until Patterson Village is hooked up to the sewer district, we must still pay the condominium for its sewer charges, which are required until the switchover. Therefore, I will be forced to pay more than twice for the same service. This is totally unfair. I think a reduction or refund of those town charges until Patterson Village is hooked up is in order.

Mr. Griffin stated what Ms. Chandley doesn’t understand is that there is a rather extended testing process that the plant has to go through as per New York State and other regulations. The Town was obligated to hire a plant operator back in November to work with and oversee all the testing of the program. The District is incurring the bills.

Mr. Curtiss stated you also have only one opportunity to collect it, which is when your Town tax goes out. That is the only opportunity during the year to do it. Fortunately, it is pretty much going to coincide but to get it to coincide on January 1, 2008 so that everybody has no fixed cost at all is difficult.

Mr. Griffin stated there is no getting around the expenses.

Mr. Curtiss stated there is no getting around the fact that you are going to have some overlap.

Mr. Griffin stated I’m happy for them that it is coming as early as February because if it were in June they would really have a problem. The problem for the Board or the Town Attorney to consider is I’m not sure what we can tell Mrs. Chandley or Mr. Garacia and any other Patterson Village residents.

Mr. Curtiss stated you don’t have the authority to return tax money.

Mr. Griffin stated definitely not. There was a question as to whether or not the Town should take over the plant. It doesn’t really solve the problem because we would be paying and then it would have to be billed back to the District. I don’t know what potential options we have. There plant has to continue to operate. We do have to have, as required by law, the operator in place and we would be remiss if we didn’t have him in place for the entire testing process, since he will be the one to operate the facility. I do not see any options here but I did want to bring it to the Boards attention. As of right



now, Patterson Village is the only one to express a concern. On January 22, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. there will be a meeting with Patterson Village regarding the Sewer District here at the Town Hall. If any of the Board Members wish to attend it will not constitute an illegal meeting since it is their meeting that we are being invited to. He asked Mr. Curtiss to also attend the meeting.

Mrs. Nacerino stated are you going to wait until January 22 to give an explanation or are you going to write to Mrs.Chandley.

Mr. Griffin stated I will write to Mrs. Chandley to explain the situation as best I can. Once Patterson Village is cut in, we will be helping them out because we will be taking over not only their plant but also we will be paying off all of the remaining debt that currently exists on the plant. It is required as part of the decommissioning. We can’t take it apart before it is paid for.


Mr. Griffin stated he will defer his Executive Session until the end of the meeting.



Mr. Capasso stated I have several resolutions for the Town Board to review regarding the update for the Association of Towns. I would like to table this topic until the next Town Board meeting so the Town Board has a chance to review the resolutions.



Mr. O’Connor welcomed Mr. Joe Capasso to his first official Town Board meeting.

Mr. O’Connor stated the Patterson Library is requesting their distribution for the funds for 2008 be moved as soon as possible. By referendum, the Town agreed to give them $434,000.00 per year.

Mr. O’Connor made a motion to instruct the Comptroller to move $434,000.00 to the Patterson Library as soon as possible to continue their good work.

Seconded by Mr. Kassay. All In Favor. Carried.


Mr. O’Connor stated I received a letter from the Town Comptroller, Patricia Brooks who has requested that her assistant, Kelly Griffin, be given a raise from $12.00 per hour to $14.50 per hour which is equivalent to other positions within the Town of Patterson and that the rate is retroactive to January 1, 2008.

Mr. O’Connor made a motion to approve Kelly Griffins raise from $12.00 per hour to $14.50 per hour retroactive to January 1, 2008.

Mrs. Nacerino stated this would be temporary until we get someone to work full time.

Mr. O’Connor stated yes and whatever that salary is, we will determine when they are hired.

Mrs. Nacerino stated and what rate of pay would Kelly be at, would she go back to her current rate of pay.



Mr. Griffin stated it would depend on the position she is in at the time.

Mrs. Nacerino stated I agree since the policy we adopted stated if there were a change in title then there would be consideration to a rate change.

Seconded by Mrs. Nacerino. All In Favor: 4-1. Mr. Griffin: Abstained



Mr. O’Connor stated we had two resolutions passed regarding the use of money from the DEP that they gave to the County that should have been used towards the septic and water quality problems rather than the purchase of golf courses. In today’s paper, they state that they are making more money off the golf course. It is in the agreement with the City of New York that interest from these monies be directed toward water quality projects. I would think that rent for property bought with that money should be considered the same as interest, not more found money for the County to do what they think best. We have a couple of neighboring towns that have the same interest we do. I have spoken to them very informally. Kent has the same problem with a lake in Lake Carmel. I would like to approach them and show them the resolutions and ask for their support in trying to get funds to do water quality projects with the Boards approval.

Mr. Griffin stated you could probably speak with Michael Wrights and Kenny Schmidt.

Mr. O’Connor stated there are similar parts of Southeast that have a similar problem.

Mr. Griffin stated Peach Lake is one of them.

Mr. O’Connor stated the County has already agreed to release $2.5 million dollars of this money for Peach Lake. It is Putnam Lake and Lake Carmel that seem to have fallen off their map.

Mr. Kassay stated the homes off North Brewster Road near Tonetta Lake have a problem also.


Mr. Kassay stated if we are doing the Audit on January 16, 2008 would the Town Board members like to meet and do the site walk that day at 2:00. We could meet at Town Hall.

Town Board members agreed.


Mr. Martin Miller stated I am very happy that the WWTP is going to be in line soon and I was also very happy to hear we were under budget. I’m sure that there will be extra expenses that are occurring but what will be done with the extra money. Will there be a slight reduction for residents as homeowners.

Mr. Griffin stated I probably misstated the situation to a certain degree. There was a ten percent allowance in the contract. Right now, we are just slightly under five percent of the allowance. Unfortunately, that half million will just about cover the Army Corps money that they didn’t get from Congress this year. Through an order grant, we were supposed to four hundred thousand dollars for construction. Mr. Williams is working very closely with our new Congressman to see about getting this money to the Army Corps. However, hopefully that will be left and we can continue to offset so we don’t have borrow an additional four hundred thousand dollars.




There being no further business, Mr. Griffin made a motion to go into Executive Session at 8:20 p.m.

Seconded by Mr. Kassay. All In Favor: Aye. Carried.

Mrs. Nacerino made a motion to close Executive Session at 8:55 p.m.

Seconded by Mr. Kassay. All In Favor: Aye. Carried.


There being no further business, Mrs. Nacerino made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:55 p.m.

Seconded by Mr. Kassay. All In Favor: aye. Carried.

Respectfully submitted,
