1142 ROUTE 311


FEBRUARY 13, 2008






                        ERNEST KASSAY, COUNCILMAN




                        TIM CURTISS, TOWN COUNSEL

                        JENNIFER HERODES, TOWN COUNSEL


Salute to the Flag and Roll Call.


Supervisor Griffin called the Patterson Town Board meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with 14 in attendance.




Mr. Griffin made a motion to file the reports as read.


Code Compliance Officer – October & November

Code Enforcement Officer – October & November & January

Dog Control Office – November, December & January

E.C.I. – November & December

Putnam Lake Fire Department – None

Patterson Fire Department – None




Mr. Kassay made a motion to approve the following minutes:


Town Board Meeting-Minutes-November 20, 2007

Public Hearing-No Parking Stop Signs-Cornwall Hill Road-December 12, 2007

Town Board Meeting – Minutes-December 26, 2007

Organizational Meeting Minutes-January 2, 2008

Town Board Meeting – Minutes-January 9, 2008

Town Board Audit Minutes-January 16, 2008


Seconded by Mr. O’Connor.  All In Favor: Aye.  Carried.




Mrs. Nacerino made a motion to approve the following bills chargeable to 2008:


General Fund $79,152.34, Highway Fund Item 1- General Repairs $122.00, Highway Fund Item 3-Machinery $16,178.37, Highway Fund-Item 4-Miscellaneous $1,965.09,  Highway Fund – Item 4-Snow $53,567.85, Highway Fund - Employee Benefits $50,711.26, Putnam Lake Fire District $35,104.00, Patterson Fire District $55,403.00, Patterson Light District $22.52, Putnam Lake Refuse District #1 $5.00, Patterson Refuse District #2 $44,306.37, Patterson Park District $1,296.32, Alpine Water District $2,582.50, Dorset Hollow Water District $835.40, Fox Run Water District $780.00, Front Street Sewer Plant $115.00, Capital Fund $380,544.46.  Grand Total Abstract $722,691.48.


Seconded by Mr. Kassay.  Roll Call Vote: Mr. Capasso; yes, Mr. Kassay; yes, Mrs. Nacerino; yes, Mr. O’Connor; yes, Mr. Griffin; yes.  Roll Call Vote Carried.

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No Agenda






Mr. O’Connor introduced the following Resolution for the Establishment of a Performance Bond for the Apap Site Plan:




WHEREAS, George Apap own a parcel of land at 1278 Route 311 identified as Tax Map No. 4.-1-36, and


WHEREAS, the Planning Board of Town of Patterson has received an Application for site plan approval from George Apap in order to construct various improvements on the lot, as shown on a site plan entitled Apap Site Plan; and


WHEREAS, a motion was made and carried by the Patterson Planning Board at its February 3, 2008 meeting recommending that the Town Board of the Town of Patterson find that the cost of a bond, sufficient to cover construction and completion of the site improvements proposed, is determined to be in the amount of $20,000.00, with an inspection fee of $1,000.00, and


WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Patterson wishes to follow the recommendation made by the Patterson Planning Board;


NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Patterson hereby establishes  the amount of the performance bond sufficient to cover construction and completion of the site improvements proposed for the Apap Site Plan, pursuant to the Town Code of the Town of Patterson as $20,000.00, with an inspection fee of $1,000.00, and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the bond posted for the project be subject to prior approval by the Town Attorneys, CURTISS, LEIBELL & SHILLING, P.C., as to sufficiency and form.


Seconded by Mrs. Nacerino.  All In Favor: Aye.  Roll Call Vote: Mr. Capasso; yes, Mr. Kassay; yes, Mrs. Nacerino; yes, Mr. O’Connor; yes, Mr. Griffin; yes.  Roll Call Vote Carried.




Mr. O’Connor stated regarding the Thomas Subdivision we have received notice of cancellation for their performance bonds for the work that was not started.  Does that mean they never intend to do it.


Mr. Curtiss, Town Attorney, stated Anthony Molé sent a letter to the bonding company with a copy to the new owner Mr. Miller that nothing has been done.  They are in default and we were going to pull the bond if they did not either commence the work or have (inaudible).  We sent that out about a week ago.


Mr. Griffin stated if no action has been taken and we are not going to restore any of the site or build the road why would we proceed to take the bond.


Mr. Curtiss stated they would have to repost it.


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Mr. Griffin stated unfortunately it is a subdivision not a site plan.  If it were a site plan, we would just pull the approvals.  There is nothing you could do with a subdivision.


Mr. O’Connor stated the insurance company has cancelled it.


Mr. Curtiss stated the have given notice of thirty days.


Mr. O’Connor stated that would be February 23 and then it will be cancelled.


Mr. Griffin stated do we know when the original bond was posted.


Mr. Williams stated two years.


Mr. Griffin stated the dollar amount should be relatively up to date.




Mr. O’Connor stated Putnam Lake Dam like all the other dams in the State have to be inspected for various things including inundation mapping.  Stantec Consulting has submitted a proposal in the amount of $36,500.00.  Do we have any other submitted proposals.


Mr. Griffin stated he has spoken to two other engineering firms who both told me the price was very reasonable and they didn’t think they could do it any cheaper.  Partially because Stantec, Korean Henry has done a lot of work over the years and has a significant file on the dam.  The bulk of this between the hydraulic analysis and the field surveys accounts for the vast amount of the work.  They are not even in-house issues.  The hydraulic analysis is a bid but the field surveys are mostly surveyors.  Sterns and Wheler recommended that we use Stantec.


Mr. O’Connor stated is there a time frame on this or should we go ahead with it.


Mr. Griffin stated unless you want to get more prices.


Mr. O’Connor stated I know it has to be done.


Mr. Griffin stated the County and the State are looking for an updated plan for a couple of years.


Mr. O’Connor introduced the following Resolution for Authorization to Sign Agreement with Stantec Consulting Services, Inc:




WHEREAS, the Town of Patterson is developing an Emergency Action Plan (EAP) for Putnam Lake Dam, in accordance with New York State guidelines, and has requested proposals for performance of the necessary hydrology/hydraulics analysis, for the purpose of developing inundation mapping on which to base the emergency notifications, and


WHEREAS, Stantec Consulting Services Inc., 1450 Route 300, Newburgh, New York 12550, has submitted to the Town a proposal to provide the aforementioned services to the Town of Patterson, and


WHEREAS, the Town has consulted with its professional consultants in regard to the proposal submitted by Stantec Consulting Services Inc., and


WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Patterson wishes to accept the proposal, and


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WHEREAS, at this time the Town Board of the Town of Patterson desires to engage the services of Stantec Consulting Services Inc. for the aforementioned project, and


WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Patterson desires to authorize the signing of an Agreement with Stantec Consulting Services Inc. upon the terms provided in the proposal submitted;


NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Patterson hereby accepts the terms of the aforementioned proposal submitted by Stantec Consulting Services Inc., a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, at a total estimated cost not to exceed Thirty Six Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($36,500.00), and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Patterson hereby authorizes the Supervisor to execute any and all documents necessary to give effect to this resolution, including authority to sign an agreement with Stantec Consulting Services Inc. upon the terms contained in the aforementioned proposal.


Seconded by Mr. Kassay.  All In Favor: Aye. Roll Call Vote: Mr. Capasso; yes, Mr. Kassay; yes, Mrs. Nacerino; yes, Mr. O’Connor; yes, Mr. Griffin; yes.  Roll Call Vote Carried.




Mr. O’Connor stated we have started to look into the legalities of turning Putnam Lake, which is Putnam Lake Community Council (PLCC) a private organization, into a park district.  Mr. Williams, Town Planner looked into the Town law.  Does anyone have any ideas or questions.


Audience members speaking at once unable to transcribe.


Mr. Curtiss stated just to give you a background on the procedure there are two ways you can do this.  It can either be done by motion by the Town Board but what is commonly done is if you have fifty percent or fifty-one percent of the people who have the assessed valuation you can file a petition with the Town Board get signatures and request that it be formed into a park district.  What that would do is switch the fee collecting from the private lake association to the Town and then the assessment would go on your tax bill like an assessment for your lighting district or any other assessment.  When you form that petition, you advise the Town Board what you want the district to encompass.  That petition gets filed with the Town Board and the Town Board would have a series of Public Hearings to give the public notice that this petition is before them and it would also give the public input as to do they want this to happen, do they not want this to happen,  what would be the ramifications.  If the public gives the impression that they want to go forward the Town Board can then form the district and do the map plan and then record.  The map would be what is the district going to be and the plan would be how much is it going to cost to do whatever you would like to do.  Whatever amenities you feel you would like the district to administer that is what would go in the map plan and record.  We would have to disclose to each of the homeowners within the district what the cost is proposed to be. 


Mr. Williams stated water quality also.


Mr. Curtiss stated water quality studies could be included.  Putting in carp as they did in Lake Carmel for the weed control.  If everyone agrees, the Town Board passes a resolution saying we will create a park district for Putnam Lake.  There is a period for members of the public to come in and request a permit of referendum which means they would come in an say we don’t agree with this we would rather put it up to a public vote.  Five percent of the people who voted in the last gubernatorial election you can get that information from the Board of Elections and then put it on for purpose of referendum.  If

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it is within sixty days of the general election it goes on the general election, if it is before that you set up a date and you publish notice of the referendum.  Everyone within the district gets to vote and nobody outside the district gets to vote.


Audience Member asked is this something like an eminent domain.


Mr. Curtiss stated no, because the Town is not taking over, we are simply forming a district.


Mr. Griffin stated we have to have a conversation about the PLCC property and what is going to happen with that.  Unfortunately, we had hoped to have Anthony’s memo.  We have an extensive memo from the Town Planner.  There are a few questions the Town Planner would like the Town Attorney to maintain or improve the water quality of the lake, maintain the parklands surrounding the lake, improve passive or active recreation in the area, operation of the beaches, ball field, and boathouses.  Anthony is working on whether or not the Town should take over all the lands currently owned by the PLCC.


Mr. Curtiss stated the PLCC is a not for profit corporation.


Mr. O’Connor stated yes.


Mr. Curtiss stated they own that property.  You would not get that by eminent domain.  We would have to negotiate with them.


Audience Member spoke but unable to transcribe.


Mr. Curtiss stated that would depend on the negotiations.  If the majority of the members of the PLCC vote to do that, that may happen.


Audience member stated if it was done by referendum.


Mr. Curtiss stated normally what happens is the entity that owns the lake has to agree to turn it over to the Town.  If that doesn’t happen, I suppose you could start some type of eminent domain because you would have a public purpose of doing it. 


Audience member stated the more of us that join the PLCC and go against them…..


Mr. O’Connor stated to be precise there is no “them.”


Audience member stated I am talking about the PLCC.


Mr. O’Connor stated if you join the PLCC then you are the PLCC.  There is not a separate entity.


Audience member stated it’s separate from me if I’m not a member.


Mr. O’Connor stated once you join the PLCC then you are them.


Audience member stated yes, that is what I just said.


Mr. Griffin stated I would suggest we wait until we have Anthony’s feedback. 


Mr. Curtiss stated we could get a little more definitive on what happens with the private corporation……


Mr. Griffin stated at that point my recommendation would be to have an informational meeting at the lake at the VFW.  I will talk to the VFW and see when we can have use of the facility and possibly have an informational meeting not a formal Town Board meeting.

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Audience member spoke but unable to transcribe.


Mr. Griffin stated one thing about Anthony is he is very thorough.


Mr. O’Connor stated this is not going to be as easy as Lake Carmel.


Mrs. Nacerino stated I have not had a chance to review this memo in depth and it appears that the people here tonight that are Putnam Lake residents are unaware of this inquiry.  I would like to know what precipitated this for the formation of the park, was it spurred through public interest or the residents of Putnam Lake that came to you or something you or we as a Board should go forward with for the overall benefit of the community.


Mr. Griffin stated there was some interest expressed to me by a number of residents and also Rob Lichtenberger had mentioned to me he heard there was a park going in and he wanted to know what was going to happen to the PLCC.  I said that is a very good question and I don’t have the answers right now.  At that point, Mr. Williams, Town Planner joined us and he suggested he would research the park district issue and at the same time, we will ask Anthony Molé to be a part of this.  Anthony waited for Rich’s draft but with other pressing issues he was unable to complete his research and finish his memo in response to Rich’s draft.


Mr. O’Connor stated there was no contemplation that I was ever aware of and this is not in response to something we or anyone else were planning to make this a park district.  It’s more like “what if” it happens.


Mr. Griffin stated this isn’t the first time this issue has come up.  It has been voted on at least twice.  I know it was done when Toni Titone was a Councilwoman and when Larry Lawler was in office in 1979 or 1980.


Mr. Curtiss stated both times it was voted out.


Mrs. Nacerino stated I think it is a great concept and I think the dynamics of Putnam Lake has changed over the years and it would be interesting to explore the options.


Mr. Griffin stated we have considerably raised consciousness as to the needs of the lake particularly in terms of water quality.


Mr. O’Connor stated I have beautiful pictures of the lake if anyone is interested in seeing them.


Audience member stated with this park district will there be a Board assigned.


Mrs. Nacerino stated we have a Park Advisory Board for our park district on this side of Town, so I would assume it would have a similar Board.


Mr. Curtiss stated in Lake Carmel they also have a Park Advisory Board that comes back and tells the Town Board what the people want.  They also set up the budget for them.


Mr. O’Connor stated having a Park Advisory Board would be the usual way of doing it.




Mr. O’Connor stated Walt Thompson who is currently in charge of the Litter Patrol has been summoned to do some work on Route 311 to pick up the excessive litter.  Route 311 is cluttered with litter and needs immediate attention.  I would like to find someone who would be interested in adopting a road.  A group would have the option of cleaning up those roads four times per year or donating $250.00 each for four cleanups to be done by PARC/Putnam County Litter Patrol.  Putnam County Litter Patrol is down to only one team and they can’t keep up with what they have done in the past so it falls on us.  We

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will have to make a bigger push to have the people of Patterson stand up and do what has to be done.  If anyone knows of any group who would like to have a sign on the road with the name of their organization please let us know.


Mrs. Nacerino stated maybe we could coordinate our efforts with an Earth Day celebration and have a concerted effort to have people come out and help clean up our community.


Mr. O’Connor stated if anyone has any other ideas please let us know.


Mr. Kassay stated it is an ongoing process.





Mr. Kassay introduced the following Resolution for the Establishment of a Performance Bond for the Papitto Site Plan:




WHEREAS, Papitto Construction Company, Vincent Papitto principal  own a parcel of land at 867 Fair Street identified as Tax Map No. 23.13-1-16, and


WHEREAS, the Planning Board of Town of Patterson has received an Application for site plan approval from Papitto Construction Company in order to construct various improvements on the lot, as shown on a site plan entitled Papitto Site Plan; and


WHEREAS, a motion was made and carried by the Patterson Planning Board at its February 3, 2008 meeting recommending that the Town Board of the Town of Patterson find that the cost of a bond, sufficient to cover construction and completion of the site improvements proposed, is determined to be in the amount of $185,000.00, with an inspection fee of $9,250.00, and


WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Patterson wishes to follow the recommendation made by the Patterson Planning Board;


NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Patterson hereby establishes  the amount of the performance bond sufficient to cover construction and completion of the site improvements proposed for the Papitto Site Plan, pursuant to the Town Code of the Town of Patterson as $185,000.00, with an inspection fee of $9,250.00, and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the bond posted for the project be subject to prior approval by the Town Attorneys, CURTISS, LEIBELL & SHILLING, P.C., as to sufficiency and form.


Seconded by Mrs. Nacerino.  All In Favor.  Roll Call Vote: Mr. Capasso; yes, Mr. Kassay; yes, Mrs. Nacerino; yes, Mr. O’Connor; yes, Mr. Griffin; yes.  Roll Call Vote Carried.




Mr. Kassay stated back in July 2007 the Town Board was contacted by the residents who live on Harmony Road and Haviland Hollow Road to  have the speed limit decreased.  Harmony Road had no speed limit, which means the speed limit was 55 miles per hour and it runs about eight tenths of a mile into Dutchess County.  Haviland Hollow Road runs from Route 22 to the Connecticut line.  The speed limit is also 55 mph.  I followed protocol, we had a Public Hearing, and had Resolutions done on these roads and I thought things were going to move along smoothly.  We were all wrong.  The Town has

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to hire an engineer to do all the studies on these roads.  A recommendation has to be submitted to the State DOT and the County.  The County used to do this.  Mr. Harold Gary is the Commissioner of Highway and Facilities for the County and he was under the impression that they would be able to help a little.  A new policy went into effect last


October that we didn’t find out about until January 29, 2008.  We do not know how much the cost of this project would be but apparently, it would be very costly.  We can put this

out to bid to engineers and see what is exactly involved in this study.  If the Town Board would like me to proceed, I will get the RFP’s and see how much it will cost.


Mrs. Nacerino stated I think you would have to proceed with it only from a standpoint of being knowledgable of what the process is and what the approximate price would be.  Even if we table this and disregard it, it will come up again and we will be in the same position in the future. That is my opinion.


Mr. O’Connor stated I agree.  We have to know what we are talking about. 


Mr. Griffin stated all you need to do is drive on the road.  You don’t need an engineering study to know that 55 mph is too fast on that road.  New York State Department of Transportation has lost their mind.


Mr. Kassay stated that is what they are saying.  They are pushing it all the way back down to the Town where they used to provide this service even to the County.  This means that the taxpayers in this Town will have to pay for this. 


Mr. O’Connor stated if it is a lot of money maybe we should respond by saying your decision is very foolish because if this is the way it is done all over the State it will cost taxpayers millions and millions of dollars.


Mr. Kassay stated since July 25, 2007 I have been generating so much paperwork.  They have instituted a new policy three months after I started working on this.  I wonder if they realized how much money it was going to cost them so they had a new policy instituted and now we are stuck with it.


Mr. Griffin stated 55 mph on that road is ridiculous.  If you would like I will send a letter to our Elected State Representatives and seek relief from this absurdity and I will mention the fact that they are County Roads.


Mr. Kassay stated whatever assistants you can render I would appreciate it and I know the Board would agree.  Let’s see what we can do.  One way or another we will get this done for the residents of this Town.  I just hope they are not talking about $100,000.00 because we do not have that kind of money for studies of that nature.


Mr. Griffin stated it will probably be nothing short of $20,000.00.


Mr. O’Connor stated do you think we should wait until we find out how much it will cost before you send your letter Mike.


Mr. Griffin stated I am going to send the letter to seek relief because I think the whole process is absurd.


Mr. O’Connor stated I agree.


Mr. Griffin stated why would you need an engineering study when anyone with an ounce of common sense can drive on the road and see it is ridiculous.


Audience member asked if it is a County road why don’t they pay for it.



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Mr. Griffin stated in Harold Gary’s letter it states that they don’t have the engineering expertise or the knowledge of New York State requirements so it would have to involve a traffic engineer.


Audience member spoke but unable to transcribe.


Mr. Kassay stated now that this new policy went into effect the County will be backing out of that because they do not have the expertise to do this study.


Mr. Griffin stated the State used to perform these studies in the past.  They would do the traffic count, evaluate the geometry of the road and everything else.  Nine times out of ten, they always got back to us saying that they thought the speed limit was fine.  We couldn’t get them to lower the speed limit on Route 22.  We can’t even get them to eliminate the passing areas on Route 22.


Mr. Kassay stated one other note on this, I found out that there is new legislation in the works in Albany, regarding any speed limits whether they are Town, County or State roads will eventually be the Town’s responsibility.  I don’t know about the litigation on things like that.  If we set a speed limit on a State road in our Town and there is a serious accident or death, I don’t know what the liability would be on the Town setting those speed limits.  It is only being proposed right now.


Audience member stated would enforcement be a factor.


Mr. Kassay stated yes.


Mr. Griffin stated you can’t enforce a 30 mph speed limit on a 55 mph road.


Mr. Kassay stated we will work on this and see how we can move forward with it.




Mr. Kassay stated every year by April 1 all the Highway Bids for all types of material, fuel etc. has to be bid on.


Mr. Kassay made a motion to have the Town Clerk advertise for Highway Bids Item #1 and all the way through and for the bid opening to take place on March 10, 2008.


Seconded by Mr. O’Connor.


Mr. Griffin stated has Mr. Charlie Williams; Highway Superintendent included trucking in his bid package for this year.


Mr. Kassay stated yes.


Mr. Griffin stated good then I am all in favor.


Mr. Kassay stated I had a conversation with Charlie about that and he has been in contact with the Town Clerk, Antoinette Kopeck.  If everything is in order, the Town Board meeting is two days after that which might be too quick to award the bids.  If it is we can award it at the March 26, 2008 Town Board meeting.


All In Favor: Aye.  Carried.




Mr. Kassay stated he would defer his Executive Session-Legal/Personnel until the end of the meeting.


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Mrs. Nacerino made a motion to approve the classifications of the positions that we have for the Recreation Department.  One which has been deemed by Putnam County

Personnel, one being the classification of a Recreation Supervisor and two positions for a Recreation Leader.


Seconded by Mr. Kassay.  All In Favor: Aye.  Carried.


Mr. O’Connor stated I see a third classification here.


Mrs. Nacerino stated she would like to defer that to Executive Session.




Mrs. Nacerino stated our ski program is one of the most successful programs that we have at the Recreation Center.  This program could not be realized with the many volunteers that have to ensure that the program goes on without a hitch.  They have donated their time and talent to this program week after week.  People such as this make Patterson such a wonderful community. 


On Behalf of the entire Board, I would like to offer accolades to the volunteers and for the wonderful job that they did in this ski program.  They are Laura Breenen, Susanne Briggs, Frank Callaghan, Becky Kessman, Mary Leidnicks, Andrea Mackin and Kim Dulitz.  They did a terrific job.


Mr. Kassay stated thank them for doing such a wonderful job.


Mrs. Nacerino stated I certainly will and I will send them a letter.




Mrs. Nacerino stated I wanted to mention that the Fashion Show, which will be in memory of Kirsten Petersen Henry this year.  I originally said it would be April 25, 2008 at Thunder Ridge.  We have changed the date to May 2, 2008 at Thunder Ridge.  We needed to coordinate the vendors and the people who will help us with the fashions.


Mrs. Nacerino stated I met with my Junior Recreation Board this past month and they sponsor the Fashion Show.  We were thinking of other programs that would enhance our community.  One of the things that we have slated for March is a “Hanna Fever Concert.”  For those of you who may or may not know the “Hanna Montana” craze has been the biggest thing since Michael Jackson.  The “Hanna Montana” has run rampant through our youth and the kids just absolutely love it.  The Junior Recreation Board was very enthusiastic to put forth this concert.


Mrs. Nacerino made a motion to hire Dave’s Casts of Characters for $690.00 to do the show.  We anticipate a full house and we will have the concession stand up and running so this should be not only a fun event but a profitable event as well.


Seconded by Mr. Kassay.  All In Favor: Aye.  Carried.


Mrs. Nacerino stated we cannot legally use “Hanna Montana” so our flier is “Hanna Fever Rock Concert.”  This will be distributed to all the schools.  We will do a press release on this and I think the kids will be very receptive on this.  The price of the tickets are $10.00 per adults, $7.00 for children and children under three will be free.




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Mrs. Nacerino introduced the following Resolution for Release of a Performance Bond T&T Associates Site Plan:




WHEREAS, T&T Associates, LLC own a parcel of land at 2656 Route 22 identified as tax map #14.19-1-20, and


WHEREAS, the Planning Board of Town of Patterson received an Application for site plan approval from T&T Associates, LLC in order to construct various improvements on the lot as shown on a site plan entitled T&T Associates Site Plan; and


WHEREAS, upon recommendation of the Planning Board, the Town Board of the Town of Patterson established a performance bond sufficient to cover the site improvements, in the amount of $48,000.00, and


WHEREAS, upon recommendation by the Town Engineer that the site improvements were complete, a motion was made and carried by the Patterson Planning Board at its January 3, 2008 meeting recommending that the Town Board of the Town of Patterson release the performance bond for the T&T site plan improvements in the amount of $48,000.00 upon installation of a new sign and removal of an existing sign, and


WHEREAS, the Property Owner has now complied with the request of the Planning Board with regards to the signage for the site, and


WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Patterson wishes to follow the recommendation made by the Patterson Planning Board;


NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Patterson hereby releases the performance bond for the T&T Associates Site Plan, in the amount of $48,000.00, and directs the Town Clerk and Town Comptroller to take all actions necessary to effectuate this resolution.


Seconded by Mr. Kassay.  All In Favor: Aye.  Roll Call Vote: Mr. Capasso; yes, Mr. Kassay; yes, Mrs. Nacerino; yes, Mr. O’Connor; yes, Mr. Griffin; yes.  Roll Call Vote Carried.




Mrs. Nacerino stated at the request of Mr. John Taylor, Chairman of the Park Advisory Board, he had requested to come and speak tonight about skate boarding at the park.  He is not here and I would respectfully like to table this until the next meeting.




Mrs. Nacerino deferred Executive Session – Personnel to the end of the meeting.




Mr. Griffin stated I have a very quick update on the MS4 discussion.  Mr. Williams; Town Planner had a meeting with the County’s Technical Advisory Committee recently and they will be meeting again on February 19, 2008 with legal counsel to discuss a variety of issues including some of the specifications of the new MS4 regulations.  For anyone who is not aware of what MS4 is it is Municipal Separate Stormwater Sewer Systems.  It is a mandate handed down from the Federal Government to the State of New York.  All municipalities in the State of New York are required to comply and there is a period in which to do it.  It involves an educational process and stormwater pollution prevention.  There is discussion about illicit discharges, which means if you are currently

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taking your washing machine out to the street or if you are having problems with your septic system, they will inform you of the regulations.  The Technical Advisory Committee two years ago did a study of the anticipated costs.  The costs to Putnam County, which involves the Town’s, schools, County and other entities would cost approximately two hundred million dollars.  It is an extremely expensive unfunded mandate.  Currently there are no funds available, no specific grant program for this.  We

have met repeatedly with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, others involved, and their response was there are some grant programs but

you have to find them.  The general consensus among Town Supervisor’s in the County is we are not going to commit to undertaking this project and spend two hundred million dollars of taxpayers money because we don’t have it and it is totally unfair of us to bear the burden of solving New York City’s drinking water problem without their participation.  Right now, the Technical Advisory Committee will meet on February 19, 2008 with legal counsel and the Town Supervisors will be meeting with them before the end of February.  We will then relay all information and recommendations to the Town

Board.  We are up against a time frame and deadline.  This is an issue that has been around for about five or six years.  It is now coming to a point where push comes to shove.  The original regulations were scheduled for January 8 and they were pushed backed to March.  We are looking to get them pushed backed a little further.  There are three major issues right now.  One has to do with a regional approach which means there are Town’s in Westchester, Putnam and Dutchess that are impacted by these particular regulations that has to do with New York City drinking water.  Phosphorus is a major pollutant, total daily maximum loading and how we are going to clean up the water.  We need to determine the process as a group whether we want to start a benefit corporation, a utility or simply have an inter-municipal agreement or what exactly we want to call ourselves.


The second point is a complete cost analysis so we have accurate numbers as to what the potential costs are for all of the participants, Westchester, Putnam and Dutchess.

The third thing that we need to be very adamant about is funding.  Without dedicated funding from outside sources, there is absolutely no way in the world that we are going to be able to take on this project.  It will cost Patterson approximately twenty million dollars just to come into compliance with this program.  That is only one unfunded mandate.  




Mr. Griffin introduced the following Resolution for Resolution for Authorization to Sign Agreement with Transitional Builders, Inc. for Construction Management Services:




WHEREAS, the Town of Patterson has requested proposals for Construction Management Services in connection with the new courthouse located on NYS Route 311 in Patterson, New York, and


WHEREAS, Transitional Builders, Inc., 85 Market Street, Poughkeepsie, New York 12601, has submitted to the Town a proposal to provide the aforementioned services to the Town of Patterson, and


WHEREAS, the Town has consulted with its professional consultants in regard to the proposal submitted by Transitional Builders, Inc. and


WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Patterson wishes to accept the proposal, and


WHEREAS, at this time the Town Board of the Town of Patterson desires to engage the services of Transitional Builders, Inc. for the aforementioned project, and


WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Patterson desires to authorize the signing of

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an Agreement with Transitional Builders, Inc. upon the terms provided in the proposal submitted


NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Patterson hereby accepts the terms of the aforementioned proposal submitted by Transitional Builders, Inc., a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, at a total for the Pre-construction Phase not to exceed Nineteen Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety Eight Dollars ($19,798.00), and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Patterson hereby authorizes the Supervisor to execute any and all documents necessary to give effect to this resolution, including authority to sign an agreement with Transitional Builders, Inc. upon the terms contained in the aforementioned proposal.


Seconded by Mr. Kassay.  All In Favor: Aye. Roll Call Vote: Mr. Capasso; yes, Mr. Kassay; yes, Mrs. Nacerino; yes, Mr. O’Connor; yes, Mr. Griffin; yes.  Roll Call Vote Carried.




Mr. Jim Utter stated he is applying for the second phase of our NAWCA grant.  The North American Wetlands Conservation Act (NAWCA) is a grant, which is a federal program to protect the habitat of wetland dependent migratory birds.  The Great Swamp is an ideal place for that because it is six miles long and six thousand acres and birds are using it especially the birds that are declining.  We got close to one million dollars from the federal government in 2004.  We have to match that two to one with non-federal money.  We have the State DEC, Major Conservancy, Putnam County the Town of Patterson, Putnam County Land Conservancy and Bedford Audubon.  We have thirteen partners in the project.  We went in with about two and half million dollars of match and we are just finishing it up.  We closed on property on the corner of Haviland Hollow Road and East Branch Road.  It protects a beautiful part of the trout stream, Haviland Hollow Brook, which is the highest part of the stream in the Great Swamp and one of the few places where we have breeding brook trout, our native trout.  It is an important piece that is going to be owned by the State, as much of the land is that we bought.  They pay taxes.  They will pay Town, school and County taxes on the property that is in Putnam County.  Probably six or seven hundred acres of the thousand that we have been working on protecting is going to be owned by the State and that includes (inaudible) parcel that is three hundred acres.  The Town will get taxes paid on all of this.  Part of the process applying for this is getting the partners and showing that there is a broad support for protecting the habitat and protecting the land in the Town.  It is especially important to have the Town that the work is happening in be on board as a partner.  The grant is due March 7 and I’m hoping we will make the deadline.  What we are asking is that the Town again becomes a partner.  We had worked this out in 2006 for our second application and unfortunately, we weren’t funded.  If you redo the same resolution you did in 2006 that would work.  Negotiations and legal work has been done by the Nature Conservancy by an in house staff.  We need people in this area that will make contacts and help us.  Rich has been helping us with a lot of the GIS work.


Mr. Griffin asked Mr. Williams if he is comfortable putting in the time that will be required.


Mr. Williams spoke but unable to transcribe.


Mr. Griffin asked the Town Board how they felt about this.


Mr. Kassay stated as long as Rich is physically able and has the time I would agree.


Mrs. Nacerino, Mr. O’Connor and Mr. Capasso stated they are all fine with it.


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Mr. Griffin stated at the next Town Board meeting we will have the resolution prepared.


Mr. Utter stated we will need a letter before March 7.


Mr. Griffin stated give me the information I will need and I will make sure the letter is done. 




Mr. Griffin introduced the following Resolution Acceptance of Proposal to Supply Lab Materials for the Patterson Hamlet Waste Water Treatment Plant;




WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Patterson has requested proposals for lab supplies that are needed for the Patterson Waste Water Treatment Plant, and


WHEREAS, ALLIED POLLUTION CONTROL, INC., 1273 Route 311, Patterson, New York 12563, has submitted a proposal to provide the aforementioned lab supplies as listed on the proposal, a copy of which is annexed hereto and made a part hereof, at a total cost not to exceed Five Thousand Two Hundred Eighty Two Dollars and Forty Five Cents ($5,282.45), and


WHEREAS, the  Town  Board  of  the Town of Patterson wishes to accept the proposal submitted by ALLIED POLLUTION CONTROL, INC.;


NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Patterson hereby accepts the proposal of ALLIED POLLUTION CONTROL, INC. to provide the aforementioned lab supplies as listed on the proposal, a copy of which is annexed hereto and made a part hereof, at a total cost not to exceed Five Thousand Two Hundred Eighty Two Dollars and Forty Five Cents ($5,282.45), and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Patterson hereby authorizes the Supervisor to execute any and all documents necessary to give effect to this resolution.


Seconded by Mrs. Nacerino.  All In Favor: Aye.  Roll Call Vote: Mr. Capasso; yes, Mr. Kassay; yes, Mrs. Nacerino; yes, Mr. O’Connor; yes, Mr. Griffin; yes.  Roll Call Vote Carried.




Mr. Griffin introduced the following Resolution for Acceptance of Proposal to Develop an Operation and Maintenance Manual for the Patterson Hamlet Waste Water Treatment Plant:




WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Patterson has requested proposals to develop an operation and maintenance manual for the Patterson Waste Water Treatment Plant, and


WHEREAS, STANTEC CONSULTING SERVICES, INC., 1450 Route 300, P.O. Box 3228, Newburgh, New York 12550, has submitted a proposal to develop an operation and maintenance manual for the Patterson Waste Water Treatment Plant as listed on the proposal, a copy of which is annexed hereto and made a part hereof, at a total estimated cost not to exceed Twenty Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000.00), and



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WHEREAS, the  Town  Board  of  the Town of Patterson wishes to accept the proposal submitted by STANTEC CONSULTING SERVICES, INC.;


NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Patterson hereby accepts the proposal of STANTEC CONSULTING SERVICES, INC. to develop an operation and maintenance manual for the Patterson Waste Water Treatment Plant as listed on the proposal, a copy of which is annexed hereto and made a part hereof, at a total estimated cost not to exceed Twenty Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000.00), and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Patterson hereby authorizes the Supervisor to execute any and all documents necessary to give effect to this resolution.


Seconded by Mrs. Nacerino.  All In Favor: Aye.  Roll Call Vote: Mr. Capasso; yes, Mr. Kassay; yes, Mrs. Nacerino; yes, Mr. O’Connor; yes, Mr. Griffin; yes.  Roll Call Vote Carried.




Mr. Griffin stated to start a sewerage treatment plant you have to bring in sludge with a certain amount of bacteria in it because it is an active process where the bacteria helps to process the sludge.  To do this you have to seed the plant with activated sludge from another plant.  Allied Pollution, Inc. the plant operator is willing to do that provided that we are willing to pay for the trucking and their overseeing and time.


Mr. Griffin introduced the following Resolution for Acceptance of Proposal to Seed the Patterson Hamlet Waste Water Treatment Plant with Established Activated Sludge




WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Patterson has requested proposals to seed the Patterson Waste Water Treatment Plant with established activated sludge, which must be performed prior to receiving flow, and


WHEREAS, ALLIED POLLUTION CONTROL, INC., 1273 Route 311, Patterson, New York 12563, has submitted a proposal to seed the Patterson Waste Water Treatment Plant with established activated sludge as stated in the proposal, a copy of which is annexed hereto and made a part hereof, at a total estimated cost not to exceed Two Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($2,250.00), and


WHEREAS, the  Town  Board  of  the Town of Patterson wishes to accept the proposal submitted by ALLIED POLLUTION CONTROL, INC.;


NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Patterson hereby accepts the proposal of ALLIED POLLUTION CONTROL, INC. to seed the Patterson Waste Water Treatment Plant with established activated sludge as stated in the proposal, a copy of which is annexed hereto and made a part hereof, at a total estimated cost not to exceed Two Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($2,250.00), and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Patterson hereby authorizes the Supervisor to execute any and all documents necessary to give effect to this resolution.


Seconded by Mrs. Nacerino.  All In Favor: Aye.  Roll Call Vote: Mr. Capasso; yes, Mr. Kassay; yes, Mrs. Nacerino; yes, Mr. O’Connor; yes, Mr. Griffin; yes.  Roll Call Vote Carried.



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Mr. Griffin stated we have to set up a contract with a sludge hauler and we have to come up with a contract for bagged screenings. 


Mr. O’Connor stated have we heard anything about the four hundred thousand dollars that they reneged on.


Mr. Griffin stated our Congressman has told us we are out of luck.  They are looking for other funding sources.  Putnam County has moved a resolution at a County meeting to authorize an additional two million dollars for Peach Lake, which is a twenty million dollar sewage treatment plant.  The four million dollars is going to be used for approximately one hundred and thirty four families that live in the Putnam County part of the project.  Currently the County has four hundred families involved in the Patterson

project.  To date the County has only offered two million dollars.  I am writing a letter to the County asking them to consider additional funding for us.  I spoke with Michael Rights and he asked me not to protest the project.  Our project is under funded by about three million dollars.


Mr. O’Connor stated is it on their agenda for Tuesday night.


Mr. Griffin stated I’m not sure if they already did it.  We haven’t gotten any correspondence yet.  The County did warn me it is coming our way.




Mr. Griffin introduced the following Resolution for Authorization to Sign Agreement with Sterling Environmental Engineering, P.C. for the 2008 Environmental Monitoring Program




WHEREAS, the Town of Patterson has requested proposals for services in connection with the 2008 Post-Closure Environmental Monitoring Program, and


WHEREAS, Sterling Environmental Engineering, P.C., 24 Wade Road, Latham, New York 12110, has submitted to the Town a proposal to provide the aforementioned services to the Town of Patterson, and


WHEREAS, the Town has consulted with its professional consultants in regard to the proposal submitted by Sterling Environmental Engineering, P.C., and


WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Patterson wishes to accept the proposal, and


WHEREAS, at this time the Town Board of the Town of Patterson desires to engage the services of Sterling Environmental Engineering, P.C. for the aforementioned project, and


WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Patterson desires to authorize the signing of an Agreement with Sterling Environmental Engineering, P.C. upon the terms provided in the proposal submitted;


NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Patterson hereby accepts the terms of the aforementioned proposal submitted by Sterling Environmental Engineering, P.C., a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, at a total cost not to exceed Six Thousand Three Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($6,350.00), and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Patterson hereby authorizes the Supervisor to execute any and all documents necessary to give effect to this resolution, including authority to sign an agreement with Sterling Environmental Engineering, P.C. upon the terms contained in the aforementioned proposal.

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Seconded by Mr. Kassay.  All In Favor: Aye.  Roll Call Vote: Mr. Capasso; yes, Mr. Kassay; yes, Mrs. Nacerino; yes, Mr. O’Connor; yes, Mr. Griffin; yes.  Roll Call Vote Carried.




Mr. Griffin deferred Executive Session – Personnel to the end of the meeting.




Mr. O’Connor stated the Town received a letter from a young lady stating that she graduated last year from Kent Elementary and she has been chosen to go to Europe on the Eisenhower Ambassadorship for young people.  She will be there for twenty days.  She is

looking for people to give a small donation for expenses because they don’t pay your way they just pick you to go.  The Town can’t send her anything but I will send her something and will write her a little note explaining we can only donate on a personal basis.  If anyone would like to send her something, it would be very helpful to her.  Her name is Felicia Spataro.


Mr. O’Connor stated in May it will be the sixtieth anniversary of the Veterans of Foreign War.  They are located in Putnam Lake, Patterson.  If anyone would like to thank the veterans by taking out an advertisement in their booklet please let me know.


Mr. Griffin stated our Town Clerk, Antoinette Kopeck has been involved with the Cancer Society and daffodils days for many years.  I want to thank Antoinette for doing this every year and I know this means a great deal to many people.  Cancer in one way or another has touched every one of us.  If anyone would like to purchase daffodils, I will hand out a copy of this flier so you can donate to this very good cause.




Ms. Pat Ploeger asked Mr. Capasso when you were campaigning one of the things you wanted was more openness of the Town Board meetings through televised meetings.  Can you tell me what has been done on that so far.


Mr. Capasso stated nothing.


Ms. Ploeger asked Mr. Griffin where the Town stands regarding this.


Mr. Griffin stated there is no money put in the budget this year for televised meetings.  My personal opinion is I don’t really have any great ambition to televise the meetings.  I see what it has done to other Town’s and other Town Boards.  I don’t see how it would be very beneficial to the Town.


Ms. Ploeger stated I was thinking coming here tonight the roads are going to be very icy on my way home it limits the amount of people who can attend a Town Board meeting. I think of the older people who can’t drive at night and who are very politically involved and don’t get a chance.  One of the things you might consider as an alternative if putting this up on Comcast is too expensive is to do what the Chamber of Commerce did and put it on the web site.  I’m talking about meeting the candidate’s interviews.  That shouldn’t cost all that much if cost is the consideration.


Mr. Griffin stated cost is always a consideration.  It was two hundred and fifty dollars per meeting.  This Board meets twice a month, the Planning Board meets twice a month, and the Zoning Board meets once a month.


Ms. Ploeger stated I was thinking primarily of this meeting.  There are people who would volunteer and come in and do professional quality video graphing.  I would be happy to give you names of people who would do that.

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Mr. Griffin stated thank you.


Mr. Kassay stated I was here when we did try that.  I remember it turned into a circus and it was not productive.


Mr. O’Connor stated the Town of Kent showed us the disadvantages.


Mr. Griffin stated we have the website.  The minutes are posted and people can read them.  There are other ways to go about this.  If you look at what has been accomplished in the Town in the last fifteen years I don’t know how much of that would have been done if every Town Board meeting were a free for all.  I look at other Towns that don’t have sidewalks, a recreation center and Town Court; I don’t know if all that could have

 been done if the meetings were turned into a circus.  This Town Board has been very productive.  If we outgrow this meeting room, we will have meetings at the recreation center.  Anyone who wants information we have many sources available.


Mrs. Nacerino stated I think televising the meetings could be an effective tool for communications.  The other Towns in our community has put a damper on the intent of

televising meetings.  I tend to agree with Mr. Griffin.  To be effective and to have our meetings done in a positive way we have chosen this path and it seems to be the best route at this time.


Ms. Lynn Andretta stated I would respectfully request that the minutes be supplied in a timelier manner.  There have been times when they have been four months behind sometimes five.  That doesn’t really give people who live in the Town and can’t come to meetings an opportunity to comment on or understand what is going on.


Mrs. Nacerino stated I agree.  The Town Clerk’s office is a little understaffed at this time and they have been making every consorted effort to get the meetings posted as quickly as they can.  They are short one person and it has delayed the process somewhat.  Our constituents are also free to write letters to the Board requesting information, offering their opinions.


Ms. Andretta stated if you can’t read the minutes and you don’t know what’s discussed tonight until July most of what happened tonight is no longer in play.


Mrs. Nacerino stated I’m not sure they are set back that many months.


Mrs. Kopeck stated they have never been that backed up.


Ms. Nacerino stated when Antoinette’s department is fully staffed they will be posted much more efficiently.


Mr. Kassay stated I just approved the minutes tonight that show the Town Board meeting minutes as of January 16, 2008.  That is only a month ago.


Mr. Griffin stated you have to also remember our webmaster is a volunteer.  If there is a lag time from the time he receives the minutes we need to look at alternative ways to keep the web site more current.  Peter has done an excellent job.  I don’t go on the web site to read the minutes because I get a copy.


Ms. Andretta stated you don’t have to go on the web.  I have gone on the web site in July and I was looking at minutes from April.  I’m not criticizing anyone I’m just saying in the interest of open government.


Mr. Griffin stated I understand.  If the minutes aren’t being posted in a timely fashion, we need to find out why.  If there is an issue with the web site, we will look into that.



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Mr. Capasso stated I am in favor of televising the meetings but I can’t do it myself.  I’m only one person.


Mr. Griffin stated you could lobby the Board.


Mr. Capasso stated I might do that.




There being no further business, Mr. Griffin made a motion to go into Executive Session at 9:02 p.m.


Seconded by Mr. Kassay.  All In Favor: Aye.  Carried.


Mrs. Nacerino made a motion to close Executive Session at 10:40 p.m.


Seconded by Mr. Kassay.  All In Favor: Aye.  Carried.




Mr. Griffin called the meeting back to order at 10:40 p.m.


There being no further business, Mr. O’Connor made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:40 p.m.


Seconded by Mr. Kassay.  All In Favor: aye.  Carried.



                                                                        Respectfully submitted,





                                                                        ANTOINETTE KOPECK, TOWN CLERK